お任せ韓定食(要事前予約)※日時、品数、人数、予算などを、お知らせください。 Chef’s Choice Dinner (You need to make reservation. Let us know your request, the number of guest and the budget per person.)お任せ韓定食(要事前予約)※日時、品数、人数、予算などを、お知らせください。 Chef’s Choice Dinner (You need to make reservation. Let us know your request, the number of guest and the budget per person.)お任せ韓定食(要事前予約)※日時、品数、人数、予算などを、お知らせください。 Chef’s Choice Dinner (You need to make reservation. Let us know your request, the number of guest and the budget per person.)お任せ韓定食(要事前予約)※日時、品数、人数、予算などを、お知らせください。 Chef’s Choice Dinner (You need to make reservation. Let us know your request, the number of guest and the budget per person.)
太刀魚の煮つけ/Boiled swordfish白菜のキムチ/Chinese cabbage kimchiきゅうりのキムチ/Cucumber kimchiナムル盛り合わせ/Assorted namulきゅうりと玉ねぎのピリ辛サラダ/Spicy cucumber and onion saladチャプチェ/Stir-fried vermicelli and vegetablesムク(ドングリ粉の豆腐)/acorn flour tofu海鮮チヂミ/Seafood pancakeタコの甘辛煮/Sweet and spicy stewed octopusテッチャン(ホルモン)焼き/grilled hormonesレンコンの甘辛炒め/Stir-fried sweet and spicy lotus root大根とイカの煮つけ/Boiled radish and squidサニーレタス(サンチュ、チシャ菜ほか)と甘辛みそ/Lettuce and sweet & spicy misoさばとジャガイモの煮つけ/Boiled mackerel and potatoes牛焼肉/beef yakiniku (BBQ)トッポギ(餅の甘辛炒め)/TOPPOGI(Stir-fried sweet and spicy rice cake)じゃがいもと豚肉のスペアリブ煮込み/Braised spare ribs with potatoes and porkさきいかの甘辛炒め/Stir-fried sweet and spicy squid
As the purchase situation of the day or as seasonal and weather conditions may affect ingredient availability, we recommend that you call ahead to make requests for specific dishes to ensure their availability.